October 21st will mark the biggest Alchemy - A Night of Magick of the year! Samhain is upon us! Samhain is the biggest of the pagan/wiccan sabbats and to celebrate its impending arrival, Alchemy will feature not two performances, but three performances and a special Samhain ritual! Plus the return of resident Alchemy DJ, "The Patron Saint of Alchemy" Alex Matthews
Join us at Eclipse Bar & Nightclub in Jacksonville, Fl at 9PM on Saturday, October 21st for the only wiccan night in the region
9PM Opening Ceremony
10PM Ravyn M Starr leads us in a Samhain ritual to honor our deceased loved ones
11PM Your host and the "Witch of Eclipse" Davina Pixie Hill puts on a very special stage performance!
12PM Rainbow Rose Chainmaille will dazzle you with an ancient art
1AM "The Sage of Spirits" Gideon SarLight shepards us into the realm of the strange
1:55AM Closing Ceremony
All accompanied by the eclectic musical sounds from the twisted mind behind Second Skin Jax 😈
This will be the biggest and best Alchemy ever! Whether you are a practicing witch, an Odinist, or just someone who feels a little left out by other club nights around town, we hope you will come and join us at the island of misfit toys, AKA Eclipse for a night of Magicks!
21+ $8 at the door
Welcome to all Wiccans, Pagans, Heathens and all our other magical and religiously alternative friends in Jacksonville!
Eclipse Bar & Nightclub becomes a dark and spooky land of (Insert name of magical land of your choosing) and you're invited! Throw on your ethereal best (Dress up!) and join us for a magical evening
Everything about the night will be geared toward the witch and viking community, from the music to the drinks, to the decor with hopes of creating a vibe that has previously been absent from this city. We encourage you to bring your crystals, your wands, your totems, whatever you've got, this will be an appropriate venue for them!
There will be rituals throughout the night, bonds will be formed, and societal standards left at the door..... Come as you are, leave part of something bigger
Doors: 9:00 PM
Tickets: $5 at the door
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